My Product Guarantee

The Gleeful Ewe wants everyone to instantly fall in love with their treasure! If there is an issue, I will do my best to resolve it. I strive for excellent customer service, 100% satisfaction, and I stand behind my work for its lifetime!

Don’t hesitate to contact me regarding any issue you may have with your new or old treasure. For example, a treasure with a wire skeleton. Some treasures are flexible or posable and may require a minor balance adjustment after shipping. If you’ve changed the pose then adjust until the treasure is balanced again. Should something happen to your older treasure please contact me so I can asses the damage and determine if it is repairable. If it can be fixed, I will gladly do my best to restore it to its former glory. I ask that you pay for shipping your treasure to me, repair cost, and back home to you.

If you have an issue with ANY KIND, please contact me for advice.